"Quick start" list

"Quick start" list allows you to create a list of programs and/or documents, which can be easily run on a clean system.

Creating list
To create list start Windows Startup Manager (see:configuration). From menu choose Utilities and select "Quick start" list item. Use Add and Remove button to manage applications and documents on the list. Each item on the list has a check box. If you select RUN APPLICATIONS profile it will start all checked items.
From here you can choose whether to load system shell or not.

PLEASE NOTE: as document we mean every file connected with application, for example html documents, mpeg clip, mp3 file...

This profile starts all checked items from the list.

EXIT utility
With WSM there is a small utility EXIT_WSM.EXE. It displays EXIT button which can be used to close the system. You can add it to the list.

Closing system whithout shell
You can use EXIT utility or access system menu. To do so press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Close system option.

You can run any program on a clean system. You only have to know how. Most applications can be run with EXE file, but some need some extra parameters. For example: if you add Quake III using QUAKE3.EXE it won't run. You have to use Play Quake III Aren.lnk file from Windows\Menu start\Quake 3. So if you experience any trouble running application on a clean system look for LNK files.

See also:
Startup module